I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Center for Causal Inference, University of Pennsylvania working with Prof. Eric J. Tchetgen Tchetgen and Prof. Douglas E. Schaubel. In 2023, I received my Ph.D. degree in Biostatistics at Yale School of Public Health, working with Prof. Forrest W. Crawford. Before joining Yale, I received my B.S. from Tsinghua University. My primary research goal is to develop novel quantitative methodologies that credibly address important scientific and policy questions. My email is
Research Interest
- Methodology:
- Causal identification and inference for complex data: longitudinal, survival, event history, spatial, topological, etc.
- Causal inference in the presence of unmeasured confounding.
- Semiparametric Theory, Partial Identification, Stochastic Models.
- Applications:
- Public Health, Medicine, Policy, Biology, Wearable Devices, Digital Platforms.
Jinghao Sun, Douglas E. Schaubel, Eric J. Tchetgen Tchetgen. (2025) Beyond fixed restriction time: Adaptive restricted mean survival time methods in clinical trials. (Submitted).
Jinghao Sun, Forrest W. Crawford. (2023) The role of discretization scales in causal inference with continuous-time treatment. (Submitted).
- Jinghao Sun, Forrest W. Crawford. (2022) Causal identification for continuous-time stochastic processes. (Submitted).
- Best Student Paper Award, Lifetime Data Science Conference, 2023.
- Tyroler Student Prize Paper Award Finalist (Top 5), Society for Epidemiologic Research, 2023.
- Travel Scholarship, Society for Epidemiologic Research, 2023.
Jinghao Sun, Luk Van Baelen, Els Plettinckx, Forrest W. Crawford. (2022) Partial identification and dependence-robust confidence intervals for capture-recapture surveys. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology.
Wenran Li, Meng Wang, Jinghao Sun, Yong Wang, Rui Jiang. (2017) Gene co-opening network deciphers gene functional relationships. Molecular BioSystems, 13(11), 2428-2439.
- Jinghao Sun. (2017) Neural Architecture for Biomedical Named Entity Recognition. Undergraduate thesis.
- AdaRMST: R package to implement a set of novel adaptive restricted mean survival time methods for clinical trials, especially under non-proportional hazards.
- crc.partialid: R package on partial identification analysis for capture-recapture experiments.
DBEI Research Day (2025, Philadelphia, PA), Contributed Poster. Beyond Fixed Restriction Time: Adaptive Restricted Mean Survival Time Methods for Non-Proportional Hazards in Clinical Trials.
Joint Statistical Meetings (2024, Portland, OR), Invited Talk. Capture-recapture surveys: sample dependence, partial identification, and robust confidence intervals.
New England Statistics Symposium (2023, Boston, MA), Invited Talk. Causal identification for continuous-time stochastic processes.
Lifetime Data Science Conference (2023, Raleigh, NC), Invited Talk. Causal identification for continuous-time stochastic processes.
ENAR (2023, Nashville, TN), Invited Talk. Causal identification for general continuous-time stochastic processes.
Joint Statistical Meetings (2022, Washington, DC), Contributed Talk. Identification for treatment effects of general continuous-time stochastic processes.
American Causal Inference Conference (2022, UC Berkeley, CA), Contributed Poster. The role of discretization scales in causal inference with longitudinal treatments.
YSPH Research in Progress Seminar (2022, Yale, CT), Invited Talk. Conceptual and analytical issues of discretizations of the timeline in causal inference.
New England Statistics Symposium (2021, Providence, RI), Invited Talk. Partial identification and dependence-robust confidence intervals for capture-recapture surveys.
Joint Statistical Meetings (2021, Virtual), Speed Presentation. Discretization bias in causal inference with trajectory data.
Joint Statistical Meetings (2020, Virtual), Invited Poster.Partial identification in capture-recapture experiments.