
I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Center for Causal Inference, University of Pennsylvania working with Prof. Eric J. Tchetgen Tchetgen and Prof. Douglas E. Schaubel. In 2023, I received my Ph.D. degree in Biostatistics at Yale School of Public Health, working with Prof. Forrest W. Crawford. Before joining Yale, I received my B.S. from Tsinghua University. My primary research goal is to develop novel quantitative methodologies that credibly address important scientific and policy questions. My email is

Research Interest

  • Methodology:
    • Causal identification and inference for complex data: longitudinal, survival, event history, spatial, topological, etc.
    • Causal inference in the presence of unmeasured confounding.
    • Semiparametric Theory, Partial Identification, Stochastic Models.
  • Applications:
    • Public Health, Medicine, Policy, Biology, Wearable Devices, Digital Platforms.



  • AdaRMST: R package to implement a set of novel adaptive restricted mean survival time methods for clinical trials, especially under non-proportional hazards.
  • crc.partialid: R package on partial identification analysis for capture-recapture experiments.


  • DBEI Research Day (2025, Philadelphia, PA), Contributed Poster. Beyond Fixed Restriction Time: Adaptive Restricted Mean Survival Time Methods for Non-Proportional Hazards in Clinical Trials.

  • Joint Statistical Meetings (2024, Portland, OR), Invited Talk. Capture-recapture surveys: sample dependence, partial identification, and robust confidence intervals.

  • New England Statistics Symposium (2023, Boston, MA), Invited Talk. Causal identification for continuous-time stochastic processes.

  • Lifetime Data Science Conference (2023, Raleigh, NC), Invited Talk. Causal identification for continuous-time stochastic processes.

  • ENAR (2023, Nashville, TN), Invited Talk. Causal identification for general continuous-time stochastic processes.

  • Joint Statistical Meetings (2022, Washington, DC), Contributed Talk. Identification for treatment effects of general continuous-time stochastic processes.

  • American Causal Inference Conference (2022, UC Berkeley, CA), Contributed Poster. The role of discretization scales in causal inference with longitudinal treatments.

  • YSPH Research in Progress Seminar (2022, Yale, CT), Invited Talk. Conceptual and analytical issues of discretizations of the timeline in causal inference.

  • New England Statistics Symposium (2021, Providence, RI), Invited Talk. Partial identification and dependence-robust confidence intervals for capture-recapture surveys.

  • Joint Statistical Meetings (2021, Virtual), Speed Presentation. Discretization bias in causal inference with trajectory data.

  • Joint Statistical Meetings (2020, Virtual), Invited Poster.Partial identification in capture-recapture experiments.